Penn Commercial has been preparing students and launching careers for over 90 years. The key to their success is through continuous evolution of programs offered to meet the demands of the job market. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, job opportunities in the healthcare industry have exploded. The need for medical professionals is increasing rapidly and presenting amazing prospects for those with the right training and qualifications.
To address the shortage of healthcare workers, Penn Commercial is expanding its Medical Programs to include Phlebotomy Technician. The new 12-week diploma program trains for a specific career field with high potential. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, expected job growth for phlebotomists from 2019 to 2029 is 17% – much faster than average job growth projections. Since announcing the new program on their website and social media Nov. 2, response has been immediate, and interest has surpassed expectations. Classes begin with the Winter 2021 Quarter on January 4.
“We’re very excited to launch the Phlebotomy Technician program,” says Robert Bazant, president/owner of Penn Commercial.
“It’s a great addition to our medical programs, and provides tremendous job opportunities for graduates to make a good living.”
It takes a very skilled person to be able to draw blood quickly with minimal discomfort to the patient. Phlebotomy technicians, or phlebotomists, are an essential position in the healthcare industry. These medical professionals work one-on-one with patients to acquire one of the most dependable methods for diagnosing illnesses. Without phlebotomists and the expertise they provide for patients, doctors, and laboratories, patient care would not be as helpful or as accurate. Phlebotomists are fundamental to the medical field.
The new program demonstrates Penn Commercial’s adaptability and continued focus on practical career training. During this latest economic downturn, many affected adults see education as a way to expand their skill sets for better job prospects. Penn Commercial has experienced significant growth during the pandemic, with enrollment up 45% for the Fall 2020 Quarter. To-date enrollments for the Winter 2021 Quarter are up significantly compared to last year as well.